Wednesday, June 13, 2012

like if you give a crap, scroll if you're a bastard


Okay, this is my gripe for today, It may even grind my gears.

It has become the trend of late to post ridiculous images onto facebook with a message printed across it, usually saying something like "Like this in 3 seconds if you love your Mum", or "Like if you think this is cruel, scroll if you support this heinous act" or whatever.

Is no one else annoyed by these? There's no way I'm ever going to click like or comment. It's stupid. Unimaginably so, and yet here it is, judging me. ME. I have many things to be judged for, but not taking the time to click like or scroll or comment or whatever is not one of them. I mean, I could have a really sore clicky finger or something, and only be good at scrolling with the mousewheel, and therefore be unable to express my true opinion on this soulful story to the world. My mother KNOWS I love her, I don't need to like. Everyone with half a conscience feels bad for that poor abused puppy, so why would I be any different?
Stupid pictures.

They sit there. Judging. Watching.     


For when I scroll that one last time, and I unwittingly sentence my mother to a lifetime of...err....unlove.

1 comment:

  1. I am so with you on this go click on my facebook page if you like what I just said.
