Friday, June 8, 2012

Fricken tired but finally here.

Look at my sad tired eyes! Finished work and drove a few hrs to the campsite. I usually catch a lift here and even though I'm good with directions, surprise surprise I miss the turnoff in the dark and drive an extra 20mins before surmising I am DEFINITELY not in kansas. Or anywhere I want to be. I turn around drive all the way back and wouldn't you know it, theres big effin reflective signs coming from THIS direction!

Anyways, biggest gripe is the fact that I can do this at all. I turn up and need a light, so being a child of technology, I fire up the appropriate app and BOOM 7 billion twitter tweettweets. Full fuckin signal, and if you ask me, (and you didnt but I will tell you anyway) that pretty much turns camping into notcamping. Even though I love having signal. Damn. Aren't I in a pickle.

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